I may not be from the deep south of America, but for me cornbread is very much a comfort food.
I didn’t even try it until I was in my late teens and living in London, but once I tried it I never looked back. The fluffy, moist bread is just so flavoursome it makes my heart sing with joy and washes away all my worries. Slathered in some honeyed butter? Could not want anything else from life.
One of the things I love most about cornbread – besides the taste – is how simple it is to make. Seriously though, it is ridiculously simple. One bowl, one skillet and you’re on your way to skillet cornbread heaven.
Now, before any true southerner comes berate me for using something they don’t agree with, take a deep breath in and just try this cornbread, ok? Yes, I know coconut flour is not common, but it adds a delicious slight sweetness that I love, and you probably will too!
For all my vegans out there, I hear ya. I’ll work on a vegan version if you guys want me to, just send me a message or leave a comment so I know if it’s something you guys want.