Oh yes, you read that right, this is a chilli chocolate granola.
I still remember the first time I heard about chilli and chocolate being a great match. There was this telenovela I used to watch, about this woman who gets de-throned from her chocolate factory by the bad guys, and she ends up coming out on top by selling amazing chocolates with chilli from a horse wagon in the streets and taking back her factory. Dramatic stuff.
Anyways, since that moment I’ve known that the two belong together. I know its not for everyone, but personally I love it.
I love my granola to be full of clusters, especially since that means I can pick up some clusters and snack on them as I pour myself a bowl of said granola with almond milk. A pre-breakfast snack, if you will.
I also need my granola to be crunchy, because no one deserves a sad soggy granola.
The chocolate in this granola is the perfect way to trick your mind into thinking you’re actually having a treat when in fact you’re simply having a delicious and nutritious breakfast! If you’re not a fan of the chilli, you can simply leave it out and it’ll continue being absolutely yum.