When I go out for food, I like to go all out.
Not in the order 20 pizzas kind of way, but in the will-order-something-that-would-take-me-too-long-to-make-myself-and-can’t-be-bothered kind of way.
Unless the salad is absolutely to die for, I won’t be ordering it. I can make a pretty mean salad at home, as seen here and here, so unless it contains something that wows me, it won’t be getting picked.
In fact, you’ll sometimes find me in the corner, perusing the menu and trying to decide how to best tackle the fact that I want to try every single item. I’m a pleasure to dine with. Luckily, I try to come prepared. I’ll stalk the restaurant’s Instagram, website, memorise the menu and read any review ever written so that when the time comes, I know what dish to go for.
Farm Girl Cafe in Notting Hill is every healthy foodie’s dream. Actually, it’s any foodies dream, whether you’re down with the healthy or not. Deciding what to get was no easy feat. Luckily I have a friend who understands my need to try different elements of the menu, and was more than happy to share instead of each being assigned a specific dish.
Trust me on this one, this is the place to share.
The food looks so good, and tastes so good, you don’t want to be limited to just what’s in front of you. It’s that rare scenario where even if your dish is amazing, if you can’t have what she’s having, you will get food envy.
So if you live in London or know you’ll be here soon, please don’t miss the vegan BLT and the buckwheat pancakes. Both rocked my world, and I’m looking for any excuse to go back and have them again!
Oh, and get a matcha latte while you’re at it.