5 Smoothie Hacks To Jump Start Your Mornings and Save Time

5 Smoothie Hacks To Jump Start Your Mornings and Save Time

I am and have always been a big breakfast person.

I’ve never found it hard to eat in the morning, and as a kid used to only get out of bed at the prospect of breakfast – which back then was usually cereal and milk. One amazing thing about cereal though is that it is super simple and takes little to no time at all.

Smoothies seem to have taken off in the past couple of years, and while I do really enjoy them, I also need them to be thick and creamy or else they just do not fill me up.

Running around in the morning, trying to gather this and that ingredient, can be time consuming, so here are some of my favourite smoothie hacks to not only save you time but also get you that delicious smoothie that will actually keep you going instead of leaving you hungry and disappointed.

1. Make a Big Batch

One simple and time saving thing you can do is make a big batch of your favourite smoothie, pour it into mason jars, and freeze! Then when you want to enjoy one you can simply place in the fridge to defrost overnight or just toss it into your bag and it’ll defrost as you’re on your way to work.

2. Frozen Smoothies Packs

One of my favourite ways is to have a frozen smoothie pack with all the needed ingredients ready to be chucked into a blender. I love Pack’d, all their smoothies are absolutely delicious and you get a little superfood sachet to add to each smoothie as well! Another easy trick is to freeze whatever liquid you plan on using, such as coconut milk, almond milk, or even green tea, that way you can use instead of ice, which can water down you smoothie.

If you don’t live in the UK and want to use smoothie packs, you can always make your own version by freezing the produce in little ziplock bags. Just measure out the quantities, chop anything that needs to be chopped, and then in the morning add frozen packs to a blender with liquid and job done!

3. Add Some Good Fats

Smoothies need to be filling or else I just find myself hungry and unsatisfied. I like my smoothies thick and substancial, not watered down and thin.

Always make sure to add some good fats for a well balanced smoothie, plus it makes it taste so much better and creamier! My favourites additions are avocado, chia seed gel, flax seeds, nut and seed butters, soaked nuts (simply soak overnight and drain in the morning),  coconut butter, coconut manna, as well as coconut or flax oil.

4. Jazz It Up

Not essential but I do love to add a little something special to every smoothie. None of these options are time-heavy but they do make a big difference in terms of nutrition and even taste – adding some vanilla can really up the game of any smoothie. 

Add things protein powders, egg whites (if you eat them), spices such as cinnamon and cardamom, vanilla, psyllium husk or slippery elm.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Get Creative

I hate wasting food, so anything that looks like it might want to turn gets either made into a soup or a smoothie.

Adding things like sweet potatoes, beetroot, cucumber, fennel, different greens such as dandelion, nettle, romaine lettuce, cooked beans and pulses, and overnight oats is a perfect way to change it up without having to waste much time or money but still getting the most out of your smoothie.
